• medchemvolga21@gmail.com
  • Russia, Volgograd

MedChem – Russia

5th Russian Conference on Medical Chemistry with International Participation "MedChem – Russia 2021"

October 5-8, 2021

Volgograd, Russia

Organizers: Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd State Technical University, located in the hero city of Volgograd, one of the largest domestic centers of science, education and industry.

Volgograd State Medical UniversityVolgograd State Technical University

Volgograd has established a scientific school, widely known in Russia and beyond for its achievements in the field of pharmacology and medical chemistry, the development of new physiologically active compounds. The country's chemical, pharmaceutical and healthcare specialists are trained by the Volgograd State Medical University and Volgograd State Technical University. An important place is occupied by the development of leading specialists of Volgograd State Medical University to create innovative medicines, whose team takes an active part in the implementation of the Government's "Pharma-2030" programs. The VolgogradGMU operates a unique Scientific Center for Innovative Medicines, created under the "Pharma 2020" program. Thus, Volgograd has all the prerequisites for combining the efforts of pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, as well as research and educational institutions working in the field of organic synthesis and medical chemistry, which will solve the strategic task of providing the population with modern medicines.

We look forward to seeing you in Volgograd!

Organizing committee